The Dinner Date

“Hey, babe. Nice udders.”

Low Five

Looking up from the leftover turkey in his dogfood bowl, young Rover at first thought the raccoon was just offering him a friendly high-five for scoring such a great lunch.

Oversize Load

Unable to fit back into her burrow after gorging on too much stolen apple pie, Cindy tries to decrease her circumference by squeezing out a massive dump.

A Love That Dare Not Bark Its Name

Fido knew it was wrong on so many different levels. But the audacious masked bandit who’d stolen his morning kibble had also stolen his heart.

The Unnatural Life

Getting chased by a wolverine, coming down with frostbite on the tip of his tail and spraining a paw slipping on a fresh elk turd all on the same hunting trip sent Barry over the edge.

The next morning, he cleared out his forest burrow and headed to the city to find a nice warm dumpster to work.

Baser Instincts

Claudette’s bid to become a wildlife supermodel ended moments later when she was overwhelmed by the urge to mug the photographer for the granola bar sticking out of his shirt pocket

Bushy and Mr. Lemieux

When he found his owner Mr. Lemieux laughing at an old sitcom with a character wearing a coonskin cap, the normally loyal and loving Bushy just completely lost it.

Marge and Paul

“For chrissake’s, Marge — we’re ripping them off. I can’t go knock on their door and complain that it’s Alpo.”

Mail Dan

With the animal control team fast approaching and no place to hide, Dan decides to try to disguise himself as a mailbox. You know, one of those fancy carved animal ones. Where you put the mail in its mouth. Yeah, yeah, that might work.

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